I began this blog post to procrastinate the writing competition for law journals. Indeed, I’ve reached the end of 1L (at a school which shall go unnamed here). Below, then, some highlights.
During orientation, a panel of upperclasspersons convened (no faculty or administrators present) to tell us incoming students what law school is really like. They proceeded to warn us all to find local therapists as soon as possible. Two then spread rumors about an unnamed student who said something allegedly racist once. (I later tracked down this student and confirmed the allegation came from a misunderstanding.) Several 2Ls, asked about their first years, expressed no enthusiasm, as if they’d all been traumatized. Fortunately, a few other 2Ls were more sanguine and told us we’d have fun. The latter were more correct: I, at least, had fun, most of the time. 1L classes are divided into “sections” and each section takes almost all of its classes together. My section contained almost uniformly normal people, so there was little or no drama. The other sections weren’t quite so lucky.
Mingling with other incoming students one evening, the conversation turned to politics, and finally one conversant admitted to being conservative. I gladly identified myself as one also, and a third classmate, hearing us discussing the Federalist Society, joined our group and also labeled himself a conservative. (Finding himself surrounded, a fourth conversant quickly assured us and any others around that he wasn’t a conservative.) The local FedSoc is pretty strong and many of its members are formidable students, so the group commands some respect and most of the left-leaning students aren’t hostile. (There was only one, quiet and minimally disruptive protest at one FedSoc event – almost a letdown after weeks of joking that the event would certainly provoke riots and arson.)
In the spring, at an event for admitted students, I was representing a right-wing student organization when a prospective asked me what our club was about. As I explained it I could see the horror spread over her face and she icily bid me good day and took her leave. Later I realized I missed my cue to “bless her heart.” Evidently, I haven’t yet fully assimilated to the South.
One afternoon during spring finals, a student got stuck in an elevator. Another afternoon the fire alarms went off for a few minutes and everyone evacuated (in a nonchalant and disorderly manner).
Besides these distinct moments, there were several pleasant evenings and afternoons spent playing board games with new friends while complaining about Legal Writing and nerding out over such topics as personal jurisdiction, adverse possession and Chevron. Rating: 10/10; would recommend.
Here’s hoping for a 2L year that sees more frequent updates to this blog!